Spotlight on: Steve Smith


Senior operations manager, Larry Walsh, let us know that one of his drivers, Steve Smith was recognized for his support of his area fire department in Enfield, CT.

Larry says, “Cardinal Company driver Steve Smith at CC191 is a volunteer at Fire Station #1 in Enfield, CT. He approached me a few months back about using our equipment as an aid for highway fire training. I think this is wonderful exposure for our company, especially in an area of the country that we are consistently involved with DOT officers and challenging inspections. A little good will to the Fire Departments always bleeds over to their brothers in blue.”

And Steve’s help didn’t go unnoticed by his firefighter brothers. Paul J. Januszewski, Deputy Chief/ Training Officer at Station #1, sent a letter to express his gratitude.

“The impact and effectiveness of recent firefighter training was greatly improved when you allowed one of your tractor trailer units to serve as a training aid. The use of the tractor and trailer rig allowed for a ‘hands-on’ element of training that can prove extremely valuable for our first responders. Please know that we greatly appreciate your thoughtful support of our training program and the opportunity provided by your actions and those of Mr. Smith.”

Thanks Steve for helping Cardinal to help in the community!

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